
  1. 'A Note on Teaching and Learning Linear Algebra in Tribhuvan University', Journal of The Institute of Engineering, Vol 15(2), 2019.
  2. 'A Study on Trigonometry', Eureka, An international Journal of Mathematics, Vol.5, 2018.
  3. ’A Study on Semi simple Ring’, Eureka, An international Journal of Mathematics, Vol.4, 2017.
  4. 'Research and Mathematics', Eureka, An international Journal of Mathematics, Vol.3, 2016.
  5. ’A Study on Primitive Ring’, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (IJRITCC), Vol.4, Issue 5, 2016.
  6. 'A Note on Solid Geometry', A research Journal in Mathematics M0 Vol. 3(1), 2016.
  7. ’What is Algebra? A Study on Algebra’, TUTA Journal ( A Publication of Multi- disci-plinary Research Articles), Vol. 7(3), 2014.
  8. ’A Study on Essential Submodule and Singular Module’, Kathmandu University Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 9(II), 2013.
  9. ’A Study on Minimal Polynomial and its Applications’, Yeti Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 2(1), 2013.
  10. 'Additive Derivation on Involution *- Rings', The Nepali Mathematical Sciences Report, Vol. 30 (1 and 2), 2010.
  11. 'Some lemmas on Jordan Homomorphism' Epsilon-delta (yearly mathematical magazine) by NeMSA vol.5, 2009.
  12. 'Weak commutativity and common fixed point in D-metrics spaces' with coauthor, Epsilon-delta( yearly mathematical magazine) by NeMSA, Vol.5, 2009.
  13.  'A Brief Survey on the Inverse Galois Problem', Journal of Institute of Science and Technology, Vol  27(1),11-17, 2022.
  14. 'Some Application of Graph Theory & Network', Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR), Vol. 9(5), 2022.